Girls Like Us… Surprising similarities between you, me, and the women of the Bible


Strip us down to our bare souls, and we’re all pretty much alike.

Strip us down to our bare souls, and we’re all pretty much alike.  I first discovered this on a trip to Brazil.  I was attending a women’s Bible study with a missionary friend of mine.  Despite winning the “Foreign Language Award” for my studies in Spanish in 11th grade, the Portuguese was completely lost on me.  I sat for about two hours, not understanding the words being spoken in rapid fire by the women sitting on couches and arm chairs around the room.

What I did understand, were the compassionate looks, the tears, the laughter and the smiles.  Later that evening, as my friend recounted some of their stories to me, I realized something.  No matter our country of origin, or the language we speak, we are all so much more similar than we are different. Each of us longing for significance, love, security, friendship, and struggling with loneliness, fear, loss and disappointment.

The women of the Bible are no exception. From Sarah, who struggled with infertility and anger; to Hagar, the invisible woman; from Leah, the unloved wife; to Rahab, the faith-filled prostitute; from Bathsheba, who buried her infant son; to Naomi, who bitterly accused God of emptying her life; from the Samaritan woman, whose desperate search for love led to countless heartbreaks; to Ruth who found comfort and protection under God’s wings; and many others, we resonate with them. We see our own hearts reflected in their lives.

The stories of these women are real and raw and true. We read them with a wide lens, but let’s remember that as they lived, they couldn’t see generations ahead, or how God was weaving their lives into His-story. They simply lived and struggled and mourned and laughed.  Their ordinary lives were punctuated by joyful celebrations and bitter weeping, much like ours today.  What I love most is that we get to see God’s intervention in their lives. We see His love, faithfulness, compassion, mercy, grace, justice and kindness fleshed out in girls like us!

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One of my hopes in this study is to shatter the myth that the Bible is full of antiquated stories that have no bearing on our lives today.  “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” (Romans 15:4)  I have found that to be especially true with these women.  Their stories are portraits of HOPE, recorded to inspire and encourage each of us. They are friendships waiting to happen! I encourage you to find a comfy place to sit, grab a cup of tea and take your time getting to know them.  And, lucky for you –they’re all speaking English!